Saturday, October 14, 2006

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 16 - Surprises and Celebrations

Sorry I left so abruptly last time we spoke, but, that phone call turned out to be most important. You see my sister Brianna had just gone into labour and Beverly was panicing a little, I shouldn't laugh really but it was funny. Anyway everything went well and she delivered two beautiful baby boys, yep who would have thought it a twin having twins. Mum made out that she wasn't really surprised at this, but truth be told none of us least of all Brianna was expecting that. As Beverly has said they have there family now so no need for either of them to go through that again, especially as I think they had made a deal that she would have the next one. Anyway here's a couple of pics of my new nephews.



Were not quite sure who there going to take after yet only time will tell.

Well yesterday was not only the day of my wedding to Sheldon, it was also Mum's birthday, tho' she did have another surprise for us, her and Servette became engaged, they haven't decided when there getting married yet, but well I guess with Mum ageing they need to make it soon. I admit I still find it a little wierd, but well it makes Mum happy and well we all want that.

Well here's a few of our wedding photo's, I even managed to get my whole family into a picture.

And of course a lovely picture of Mum after her age transition, we asked her if she was planning on growing old gracefully lol, but, Mum just laughed as says as long as she can get away with it, she'll carry on as normal , well as normal as Mum is.


Iván said...

Hola tengo un blog de los sims 2 y de los sims 3, si te gusta ponte como seguidor si tu te pones yo también del tuyo.


Iván said...

Hola gracias por ponerte com oseguidorra pero... que te pareze mi blog??