Monday, October 02, 2006

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 12 - Mixed Emotions

So after all the excitment of the last few days, had died down it was time for Brian to go off to Uni. He was understandably very excited, as he went to the same campus as his older siblings, which meant he got to meet all the people that they had told him about.

His first email was full of this girl he had met nothing about classes or professors lol, he seems to have not noticed anything but Alyssa Thea Farmer who is their with her twin brother Micheal John.

I hope he buckles down and doesn't let this young lady distract him too much. Jr and myself have been having some quality time together lately, what with him being the youngest I want to make the most of our time together as before long he'll be a teen and of to uni as well.

Also not that I'm worried, but he has been having a few phone calls lately and not saying who's been ringing I think there from his father. I'm trying not to worry but his threat to take Jr still hangs in the air.

Bethany has decided to take a chance on Sheldon and she's planning on asking him to marry her when he comes over later. Brianna and Beverly came round to tell us that they are expecting, tho' not sure how they did that lol and well I don't think I'll ask. But, Brianna is carrying the baby and speaking of babies my first grandchild was born the early hours of this morning. His name is Carl as of yet there are no photos of him. But am sure their will be lots soon, Bradley is so proud of his family. He tells me that Tori is resting and letting their house robots take care of things.

Unfortunately Bethany has put things on hold with regards to asking Sheldon to get married as Harris Jr has disappeared, we have rung round all his friends and no-one has seen him. We have all been all over the neighbourhood searching for him and no sign I hate to admit it but, it looks like Harris has carried it out his threat to take Jr. I can't believe he managed it, we had all been so careful about leaving him alone. I rang Harris's home but there was no answer, even his agent didn't know or wouldn't tell me where he is. We have tried everything to find him, the Police can't or won't do anything I'm not sure which as one of the cops we called, was more interested in Harris the movie star rather than Harris child abducter. They have told us to wait for him to contact us, all well and good, but their not the ones who have to sit and wait for news are they. I do hope he contacts us soon, I know he won't hurt Jr it's just not knowing where he is that worries me.

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