"Have met some real cool people, Bethany's seeing this loser guy....." Brianna wrote,
Bethany say's
"Mum ignore Brianna, he's not a loser he's nice and anyway at least I'm not snogging a girl like Brianna...."
Oh more surprises, I did wonder about Brianna, well if she's happy..... ooh hang on what's this at the bottom.
"Hi Mum, Don't worry am keeping an eye on the girls. Everything's fine, congrats on our new little brother take care of yourselves. Love to you and the boys. Bradley"
Brianna, Bethany and Bradley
You know if he wasn't there to keep an eye on things I would really worry about those two girls of mine, I'm glad at least one of my sons has his head screwed on right.....
.... well as Jr is upstairs sleeping peacefully I think I'll take a nap, I really am feeling old lately.
Oh my look at the time, I slept far longer than I meant too. I think I can hear the school bus that'll be Benjamin home, I'll put some lunch on for us and we can chat. Maybe find out why he's acting so oddly. That's odd can hear a car outside I'm not expecting anyone......
What the hell was that noise it sounded like a gu.... NOOOO ...
Dear God not that.....
I ran out to the driveway, my heart practically bursting out of my chest and blood pounding in my ears, everything seemed to go in slow motion. Why can't I move quicker.....
......... I knew I was too late as soon as I arrived, it was so quiet deathly quiet and there lying on the ground was my boy...

...my beautiful baby boy not moving, not anything now...... I screamed till I thought my lungs would burst, Oh Benjy my little Benjamin sobs ripped through my body like knives, how could this happen, why did this happen.

I saw the blood pooling round his body and closed my eyes trying to shut out the horror of it all. Time seemed to stand still, I know not how long I stood there...

..... eventually his body was taken and I was left alone, alone with the knowledge that it was up to me to tell everyone he had gone. Numbly I went back into the house and called the one person that had been there for me when Clay died. I knew it was a long shot and we hadn't spoken in months, but I didn't care I needed him here. I waited for his voice at the other end of the line. As soon as he answered I broke down and through sobs and gasps of air told him of Benjamin's death. The line went silent for a moment and then Harris said the words that I needed to hear. "I'm on my way now"

..... as I stood at Benjamin's grave I heard the school bus arrive Brian was home, he ran staight to me we held each other close and cried.

As we held each other close I forgot for a moment that Harris was on his way over, when a cry from the house drew my attention. I ran to the house only to find Harris holding our son.....

..... the look on his face said it all, he was shocked and upset that I hadn't told him that I was carrying his child.
"What's the baby's name?" he asked
"I named him after you, we call him Jr for short" I smiled, hopeing that everything would be ok and we could pick up where we left off.
Harris stormed towards me and handed me the baby,
"Make the most of your time together" he sneered "Cause I'll be back and I'll be taking MY son with me"
Harris stormed out of the room almost knocking Brian over in his rush to leave.
I kissed Jr and held him close, I couldn't lose another child. I placed him back in his crib, hugged the stunned Brian and went downstairs to make dinner. Determined that whatever happened, my son would not be going with his father.
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