Saturday, September 30, 2006

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 10 - Settling Down

Well After Tori and Bradley's wedding and their move over the road, things have settled back into a routine. Thanks to this lovely robot Servette that Bradley made me it has meant that I can go back to work full time and she takes care of my boys.

As you can see our little Jr has had a birthday, he's such a lovely little boy and Servette is brilliant with him, it makes me wonder how I managed without her and all the other robots that Bradley has made for me.

The girls are doing great at Uni, apparently Brianna and Beverley's romance is blossoming on the other hand Bethany is not so happy with Alec. It seems as Brianna said he's not entirely trustworthy and he's been seen flirting with other girls.

Brian is now an A+ student and is loving his studies, even Servette has been studying too.

Everything is settling down and going great, but, you can be sure that something is waiting round the corner to bite us in the behind. It always seems to go that way.

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 9 - A Wedding

Things have been real quiet round here lately. I haven't heard from Harris scince he was last here, I'm really hoping that it was just an empty threat. But seeing as now he's a major film star, he has a lot of friends and money behind him I could be in for some real trouble.

So it's nearly time for Bradley to graduate from University, the time sure has flown by. It was only the other day he was sending me pic's of him working hard on his robotics skills,

he plans on opening up a small business selling robots. He's made quite a few so far, and he says their all for me, to make things easier around the home. I'm a little wary of having them, but, well Bradley wouldn't make anything dangerous.

Oh my Bradley has now Graduated from University, at the top of his class and you know the first thing he did when he got home was cut his hair. Personally I had thought he would have done it soon, but as he says it's now time for him to get serious. He got a job in Business a Vice President job, no less so his hard work at uni really paid off. He's also said that himself and Tori intended to be married as soon as possible, so in other words as soon as I can get things sorted lol. I'm so excited a wedding in the family, the first of many I'm sure.

Bradley has asked Tori to move in with us too until after their married then they will be buying the house over the road, thanks to a large endowment from Tori's parents. I'm so pleased that their going to be so close by.

Well the day of the wedding has arrived, everyone is dressed in their best outfits, Brianna and Bethany have come from Uni for the occassion, even Servette our new house robot that Bradley made for me is all dressed up, tho' she does look a little odd.

Well rather than sit here gushing about the wedding I'll just show the pictures, I'll just say that Tori and Bradley look so happy together.

We even had a couple of unexpected guests at the wedding.....

......tho' a litle scary at first it was good to see them both.

Well a lovely day has drawn to a close, I must just chase Brian off to bed and check on Jr then I'm off to bed myself. I wonder were you as surprised as me to see Harris at the wedding, I'll have to talk to Bradley about that when he gets back. Maybe this means he's calmed down and that we can get back together oh I hope so....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 8 - Tragedy

Well the next day dawned bright and early as usual, bringing with it a lovely email form my girls at uni. Their studying hard and having great fun,
"Have met some real cool people, Bethany's seeing this loser guy....." Brianna wrote,
Bethany say's
"Mum ignore Brianna, he's not a loser he's nice and anyway at least I'm not snogging a girl like Brianna...."
Oh more surprises, I did wonder about Brianna, well if she's happy..... ooh hang on what's this at the bottom.
"Hi Mum, Don't worry am keeping an eye on the girls. Everything's fine, congrats on our new little brother take care of yourselves. Love to you and the boys. Bradley"

Brianna, Bethany and Bradley

You know if he wasn't there to keep an eye on things I would really worry about those two girls of mine, I'm glad at least one of my sons has his head screwed on right.....

.... well as Jr is upstairs sleeping peacefully I think I'll take a nap, I really am feeling old lately.
Oh my look at the time, I slept far longer than I meant too. I think I can hear the school bus that'll be Benjamin home, I'll put some lunch on for us and we can chat. Maybe find out why he's acting so oddly. That's odd can hear a car outside I'm not expecting anyone......

What the hell was that noise it sounded like a gu.... NOOOO ...
Dear God not that.....

I ran out to the driveway, my heart practically bursting out of my chest and blood pounding in my ears, everything seemed to go in slow motion. Why can't I move quicker.....
......... I knew I was too late as soon as I arrived, it was so quiet deathly quiet and there lying on the ground was my boy... beautiful baby boy not moving, not anything now...... I screamed till I thought my lungs would burst, Oh Benjy my little Benjamin sobs ripped through my body like knives, how could this happen, why did this happen.

I saw the blood pooling round his body and closed my eyes trying to shut out the horror of it all. Time seemed to stand still, I know not how long I stood there...

..... eventually his body was taken and I was left alone, alone with the knowledge that it was up to me to tell everyone he had gone. Numbly I went back into the house and called the one person that had been there for me when Clay died. I knew it was a long shot and we hadn't spoken in months, but I didn't care I needed him here. I waited for his voice at the other end of the line. As soon as he answered I broke down and through sobs and gasps of air told him of Benjamin's death. The line went silent for a moment and then Harris said the words that I needed to hear. "I'm on my way now"

..... as I stood at Benjamin's grave I heard the school bus arrive Brian was home, he ran staight to me we held each other close and cried.

As we held each other close I forgot for a moment that Harris was on his way over, when a cry from the house drew my attention. I ran to the house only to find Harris holding our son.....

..... the look on his face said it all, he was shocked and upset that I hadn't told him that I was carrying his child.

"What's the baby's name?" he asked
"I named him after you, we call him Jr for short" I smiled, hopeing that everything would be ok and we could pick up where we left off.

Harris stormed towards me and handed me the baby,

"Make the most of your time together" he sneered "Cause I'll be back and I'll be taking MY son with me"

Harris stormed out of the room almost knocking Brian over in his rush to leave.

I kissed Jr and held him close, I couldn't lose another child. I placed him back in his crib, hugged the stunned Brian and went downstairs to make dinner. Determined that whatever happened, my son would not be going with his father.

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 7 - Happiness

Well it's happened the girls left for uni this morning, it's now just me the boys and bump. So I guess it's going to be a little quiet round here for a while, what with Benjamin so into studying and Brian just starting school. Oh that reminds me they'll be home soon must get tea on and Benjamin's cake made, yes I'm going to make a cake, oh you mean cake as in it's his birthday all ready. Yes it's Benjamin's birthday time sure does fly. I've just got to nip into the garage and water the moneytree's first...... oooh my, no not now.... ooh this is such a pain, can't you wait I have a cake to make......

I guess he couldn't wait..... Well here he is my newest son Harris Junior, I suppose I'll have to tell Harris about this soon. Oh I'll tell him later, I've still got tea to make and Benjamin's cake to do it'll keep.

Well by the time I got everything sorted for Benjamin's birthday, it was getting late - I must be getting old it didn't seem so much hard work with the other babies - Benjamin was all set to go to bed.
"Mum I'm tired can't my birthday wait till morning....."
"Of course not Benjy I've spent ages getting everything sorted, please just five minutes" I pulled the lip tremble then and couldn't resist. So we had Benjamin's birthday, he grew up into such a fine young man. Clay would be proud.

Benjamin took one look at himself in the mirror and rushed off to change, muttering something about "now I'll show 'em...." I wasn't really worried till I went upstairs and saw him dressed like this......

... my studious young man now looked like one of them gang baggers/bangers.... from down the road, their always getting into trouble and starting fights with people. Oh my please let this be a phase and he grow's out of it soon.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 6 - Onwards, Upwards & Outwards

We seemed to have settled into a nice routine at home, in between Harris's and my work we are managing to keep all the kids cared for. Harris, seems to be getting on really well with all the children the girls seem to like him the most tho' and can't wait to rush to him when he gets back from whatever photoshoot etc that he's been on. Ok and I too love coming home to find Harris waiting for me.

But as things start to go well you can guarantee something is going to go wrong, I can feel it I swear something is coming this way.

See I just knew it, Harris came home from his latest job all excited in fact he was positively bursting with excitement. He has gotten a big role, much bigger than the last movie he was in. You remember don't you, it's that look of his, he only had a small part in the last "Pirates of the....." movie. They have asked him to be in the sequel and his part is so much bigger, he would be a fool not to take it. But, then I did something foolish and started to fret about me and the kids, how would we cope without him around it was just too much too soon and we started to argue. It really wasn't pretty.

We ended up so mad at each other that he left that night, which was really silly as he hadn't needed to be on set for another week.

He said by to the kids and hopped into a taxi..... I'm such a fool, I hope we can make it up.

Things were a little quiet at home for a few days, we had an email from Bradley, letting us know that he was fine and that he was enjoying life at Uni. He's studying hard and he's met a girl he really really likes. Her name is Tori and from the picture he sent he really does like her lol.

We have had some more surprises this week too, my little girls became teens, it seems like only yesterday they were playing together with their dolls.....

..... which they obviously where, but now they are young ladies, soon they too will leave for Uni.

It was also time for Brian's Birthday, from toddler to child.....

.... oops forgot to mention, after Harris left I found out that I was expecting his child. I will tell him, it's just he hasn't phoned yet and well I'm not phoning him.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 5 - Moving On

Well as the saying goes "Life go's on...". The children have been working together on their fitness and their studies, it's good to see them all working so well together.

I'm so proud of them all, they are coping so well without their father around, I only wish I could say the same. It's worse at night once they have all gone off to bed and I'm all alone. Tho' Harris has been calling regularly since Clay's death and has promised to come over as soon as he has finished his part in the movie.

My latest pregnancy is progressing well and the baby is due anytime now. I feel sorry that this child will never know their father, but, he or she will have big brother's and sister's to look out for them.

Speaking of which must get the tea on they'll be hungry soon.

It was later that evening that I started to get those familiar pains, which summone the arrival of a new addition. It brought back memories of Clay again and how he had been there for everyone of his children's birth's. It was tough, but after a few hours little Brian emerged into the world. He looks just like his brother's when they were babies and so much like their father. Clay your memory lives on in your children.

The next day I went of to work, Bradley told me to go, with it being the weekend, he said he was perfectly able to take care of the others and I really needed to look at another four walls for a few hours. It was great to get out of the house I must admit and the new promotion that I got too, will come in really handy money wise. Plus being a member of the Officer's Club is real cool too.

So anyway as I was reading the paper, I heard a familiar voice coming from my bedroom, my heart skipped a beat and I ran upstairs to greet Harris. He was back from the movie and just as pleased to see me as I was him.

We had a lovely reunion in the hottub... heehee.... it was so good to have him here at last, I had really missed being this close to someone...

.... and well he's moving in, he wants to take care of me at least for now. Things are looking up, with Harris moving in we have been able to remodel the hose and give the children a little more room, plus added a little more luxury to their studying.

Shortly after Harris moved in Bradley went off to University, he has been studying real hard and won himself a couple of scholarships which should keep him going through the next few years.

Also little Brian had a birthday, we weren't really ready for it as it snuck up on us in the excitement of Bradley's move to uni.