Monday, February 23, 2009
New story .....
... starting shortly, just working out a few kinks and I should have the first post up in the next couple of days.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
End of this Legacy Story
I have no idea if anyone is reading or has read this story but, unfortunately when my computer died a while ago, all data was lost. So sadly this story has ended. I will however start a new story in the next few days as I know have the Sims back again on my revamped computer. Not sure if it will be a legacy or not, but, we shall see.
Thank - you to those who read and hopefully you will read the next one.
Thank - you to those who read and hopefully you will read the next one.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 16 - Surprises and Celebrations
Sorry I left so abruptly last time we spoke, but, that phone call turned out to be most important. You see my sister Brianna had just gone into labour and Beverly was panicing a little, I shouldn't laugh really but it was funny. Anyway everything went well and she delivered two beautiful baby boys, yep who would have thought it a twin having twins. Mum made out that she wasn't really surprised at this, but truth be told none of us least of all Brianna was expecting that. As Beverly has said they have there family now so no need for either of them to go through that again, especially as I think they had made a deal that she would have the next one. Anyway here's a couple of pics of my new nephews.

Were not quite sure who there going to take after yet only time will tell.
Well yesterday was not only the day of my wedding to Sheldon, it was also Mum's birthday, tho' she did have another surprise for us, her and Servette became engaged, they haven't decided when there getting married yet, but well I guess with Mum ageing they need to make it soon. I admit I still find it a little wierd, but well it makes Mum happy and well we all want that.

Well here's a few of our wedding photo's, I even managed to get my whole family into a picture.

And of course a lovely picture of Mum after her age transition, we asked her if she was planning on growing old gracefully lol, but, Mum just laughed as says as long as she can get away with it, she'll carry on as normal , well as normal as Mum is.


Were not quite sure who there going to take after yet only time will tell.
Well yesterday was not only the day of my wedding to Sheldon, it was also Mum's birthday, tho' she did have another surprise for us, her and Servette became engaged, they haven't decided when there getting married yet, but well I guess with Mum ageing they need to make it soon. I admit I still find it a little wierd, but well it makes Mum happy and well we all want that.

Well here's a few of our wedding photo's, I even managed to get my whole family into a picture.

And of course a lovely picture of Mum after her age transition, we asked her if she was planning on growing old gracefully lol, but, Mum just laughed as says as long as she can get away with it, she'll carry on as normal , well as normal as Mum is.

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 15 - A Little Bit of Crazy
Ok it's offical Mum has flipped out, I came home from work today to find Mum and Servette getting it on......

..... I mean ooh, it's just too wierd a robot.... on the plus side, it seems too have drawn Mum out of the depression that she'd been in since Jr chose to stay with his Dad. Don't get me wrong am not against Mum having a girlfriend lol, that would be kind of hypercritical considering my sister and best friend is that way enclined. It's just seeing Mum and her new best friend a robot making out is a little worrying, I mean... no I don't think I want to go there lets change the subject....
I mentioned Brianna and her life partner Beverly a bit ago, well she was over the other day she came and had cookies with Servette ...

.... and from what Servette said, it appears that pregnancy looks good on her, tho' if I know my sister she'll be glad to have her baby and get back to having a bit of fun.
Oh and I have some news on the job front as it were, Mum was promoted to Astronaut the other week not that she was really in the mood to celebrate...

... I'm a Surgeon now, and tho' the work is tough it's so rewarding seeing the smiles of those that we manage to help. Bradley and Tori's Robotic's Business is doing real good, tho' with them still working hard at their career's it's a good job they have their house robots Serena and Sarina to look after Carl and take care of the shop.

Brianna is currently off work at the moment till after the baby comes, but her artistic streak has taken her far. She graduated with such high Art Honors that she dropped straight into her dream job as a Conceptual Artist which not only pays real well she only has to work 3 days a week. Beverly is progressing up her chosen career ladder and is currently Project Leader at the lab were she works.
Brian has just finished his Freshman year at Uni with a 4.0 grade and he and his girlfriend Alyssa are getting real close. He's also promised to come home for my Wedding next week, yeah myself and Sheldon are going to get married. Hopefully things will go real well, also Jr should be coming too well as long as his dad lets him. Well I must get going there's lots to do before next week and I haven't decided yet wether to be Mrs Skynyard-Jayapalan or Mrs Jayapalan-Skynyard mmmmm decisions decisions well must get on, oh there goes the phone, bye for now.

..... I mean ooh, it's just too wierd a robot.... on the plus side, it seems too have drawn Mum out of the depression that she'd been in since Jr chose to stay with his Dad. Don't get me wrong am not against Mum having a girlfriend lol, that would be kind of hypercritical considering my sister and best friend is that way enclined. It's just seeing Mum and her new best friend a robot making out is a little worrying, I mean... no I don't think I want to go there lets change the subject....
I mentioned Brianna and her life partner Beverly a bit ago, well she was over the other day she came and had cookies with Servette ...

.... and from what Servette said, it appears that pregnancy looks good on her, tho' if I know my sister she'll be glad to have her baby and get back to having a bit of fun.
Oh and I have some news on the job front as it were, Mum was promoted to Astronaut the other week not that she was really in the mood to celebrate...

... I'm a Surgeon now, and tho' the work is tough it's so rewarding seeing the smiles of those that we manage to help. Bradley and Tori's Robotic's Business is doing real good, tho' with them still working hard at their career's it's a good job they have their house robots Serena and Sarina to look after Carl and take care of the shop.

Brianna is currently off work at the moment till after the baby comes, but her artistic streak has taken her far. She graduated with such high Art Honors that she dropped straight into her dream job as a Conceptual Artist which not only pays real well she only has to work 3 days a week. Beverly is progressing up her chosen career ladder and is currently Project Leader at the lab were she works.
Brian has just finished his Freshman year at Uni with a 4.0 grade and he and his girlfriend Alyssa are getting real close. He's also promised to come home for my Wedding next week, yeah myself and Sheldon are going to get married. Hopefully things will go real well, also Jr should be coming too well as long as his dad lets him. Well I must get going there's lots to do before next week and I haven't decided yet wether to be Mrs Skynyard-Jayapalan or Mrs Jayapalan-Skynyard mmmmm decisions decisions well must get on, oh there goes the phone, bye for now.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 14 - Life Must Go On

Hi, it's me Bethany here, yes I know you were expecting my Mum Athena well Mum's to upset to write and as the legacy falls to me to carry things on I may as well start now.
I bet your wondering what has gotten Mum so upset, well I guess I better tell you then. We have just got back from court, it's actually our 3rd time of going, Mum's been fighting real hard to get Jr back home with us. But, I think that this is the last time we won't be going again. Oh sorry, your all wondering why, well Mum's given up and it's not because of all the fancy lawyers and skeletons in the closet, that Harris keeps throwing at her - not that Mum has any, skeletons that is -. No it's because this time Harris brought Jr with him and the Judge asked him straight who he wanted to be with. Now us three, that's Mum, Bradley and I - the other's couldn't come too they were busy you know, with lives - sat on the edge of our seats waiting for Jr's answer. He looked straight at Mum, then at Harris, then back to Mum and said "Mum,.... I love you loads, but,.... well I'm sorry I want to stay with my Dad."
Both Bradley and I turned to Mum at almost the same time, she had this odd smile plastered on her face. Bradley looked at me and whispered "We need to get her out of here now...."
At that moment Harris came over to us with Jr, Jr ran and hugged Mum tight and Harris turned to Bradley and I smiling, he then proceeded to ask after the rest of the family as if this was a perfectly normal meeting in the park or something. You know I always thought he was such a nice guy, but, I think when Mum didn't tell him about Jr his anger must have gotten all twisted up inside him, I mean why else would he have done all this to her.
Well after the drama of court we managed to get Mum home again, Mum's acting a little wierd you know, but well that's sort of to be expected considering the day we had.

Right now she's in the living room talking to a book, yeah you heard me right she's talking to a book. I'll leave her too it for the moment while I catch Servette up on the days events.

When I found Servette she was making christmas cookies, which in the middle of July seems a little odd. But, after the day we've had I don't even have the energy to ask her why. When I told her, how things had gone in court she dropped the cookie mixings on the floor and ran to comfort Mum.
I have a feeling things are never going to be the same around here again. Well it's been interesting talking to you all, will catch up with you again later. Right now I'm going to take a bubble bath and then call my fiancee Sheldon.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 13 - News, Good and Bad
The last few months seem to have gone by in a blur for me, with not knowing where my son is it has been awful. But no matter what, life has had to go on because well much as I want life to stand still it can't. I have been so glad to have had my family around me during all this but, if just one more person says "No news is good news" .... I swear I will swing for them, honestly do people really believe not knowing is better, this awful limbo that we are stuck in is driving me mad.
There have been so many rumours about where Harris is, the papers have been making things worse too. One paper printed a story about a dreadful car accident in which 'Harris White and unknown child killed outright', whereas another reported 'Movie Actor Harris White & Friend living the High Life in Spain'. But, every story printed has been proven false, it's like they have just disappeared of the face of the earth, I bet the next story will say he's been 'Abducted by Aliens'. I don't know how much more I can take of this silence, Ok in truth this has been less time than his not knowing about his son. But the thing is he wasn't hurting as he didn't know, what he's doing is much more heartless than any pain that I caused him.
So with not knowing, when Jr would be home again I told Bethany she shouldn't put her life on hold. So reluctantly she agreed and invited Sheldon over and they became engaged.

Plus we managed to get a lovely photo of my first grandchild Carl with his mum Tori, isn't he a stunner, he looks so much like his father and uncles did at that age. Thankfully he's a healthy little boy and what with their two house robots, it's a fight in their home to see who's going to take care of the little chap. I hope they have another child soon or else can see that little Carl will end up spoiled rotten.

Oh my God, the phone rang today and it was my little boy. It was so good to hear his voice again. He seemed surprised that I was so pleased to hear his voice and that I had been so worried about him. His dad had told him that I knew where he was all along. I couldn't tell him he was wrong now could I? That would have just upset him.

Jr couldn't wait to tell me all about his adventures with his dad, they had been all over the place, from one end of the world to the other. He was so excited telling me about Scuba diving off the coast of Australia, Hiking in the Himalaya's. His dad had even managed to get him a small walk on part in a movie while they were in England. But, he couldn't remember the name of the movie.
I was about to ask about his studies, when he interrupted me saying that everything was fine his dad has been making sure he kept up with them. Even when he didn't want too.

I wanted to know when he would be coming home, but was shocked when he said that he was at home now. I tried hard to stop my voice from breaking as I told him about his new nephew Carl and Bethany's engagement. I told him that I loved him and missed him lots, "I Love you too Mummy and I will come and visit soon, give everyone a hug for me" he replied and then hung up the phone.
After hearing from my boy, I was filled with mixed emotions. Relief that he was safe, but sadness that he was so happy with his dad.
I stood in the kitchen for a moment collecting my thoughts, when a knock at the door brought me back to earth. Answering the door I found an official looking man, he asked my name and then handed me a stack of papers and left. I moved into the lounge and sat on the sofa. Reading through the papers filled me with dread, my son would never be coming home Harris had won custody, without me even knowing he had gone to court and he had won. It was then I noticed the name of the Judge who had signed the order, a friend of Harris's. He had used his connections to steal my son from me, I then noticed a line at the bottom.... 'access granted with prior written consent'. So I guess that means I have to write and ask permission to see my boy.
There have been so many rumours about where Harris is, the papers have been making things worse too. One paper printed a story about a dreadful car accident in which 'Harris White and unknown child killed outright', whereas another reported 'Movie Actor Harris White & Friend living the High Life in Spain'. But, every story printed has been proven false, it's like they have just disappeared of the face of the earth, I bet the next story will say he's been 'Abducted by Aliens'. I don't know how much more I can take of this silence, Ok in truth this has been less time than his not knowing about his son. But the thing is he wasn't hurting as he didn't know, what he's doing is much more heartless than any pain that I caused him.
So with not knowing, when Jr would be home again I told Bethany she shouldn't put her life on hold. So reluctantly she agreed and invited Sheldon over and they became engaged.

Plus we managed to get a lovely photo of my first grandchild Carl with his mum Tori, isn't he a stunner, he looks so much like his father and uncles did at that age. Thankfully he's a healthy little boy and what with their two house robots, it's a fight in their home to see who's going to take care of the little chap. I hope they have another child soon or else can see that little Carl will end up spoiled rotten.

Oh my God, the phone rang today and it was my little boy. It was so good to hear his voice again. He seemed surprised that I was so pleased to hear his voice and that I had been so worried about him. His dad had told him that I knew where he was all along. I couldn't tell him he was wrong now could I? That would have just upset him.

Jr couldn't wait to tell me all about his adventures with his dad, they had been all over the place, from one end of the world to the other. He was so excited telling me about Scuba diving off the coast of Australia, Hiking in the Himalaya's. His dad had even managed to get him a small walk on part in a movie while they were in England. But, he couldn't remember the name of the movie.

I was about to ask about his studies, when he interrupted me saying that everything was fine his dad has been making sure he kept up with them. Even when he didn't want too.

I wanted to know when he would be coming home, but was shocked when he said that he was at home now. I tried hard to stop my voice from breaking as I told him about his new nephew Carl and Bethany's engagement. I told him that I loved him and missed him lots, "I Love you too Mummy and I will come and visit soon, give everyone a hug for me" he replied and then hung up the phone.

After hearing from my boy, I was filled with mixed emotions. Relief that he was safe, but sadness that he was so happy with his dad.
I stood in the kitchen for a moment collecting my thoughts, when a knock at the door brought me back to earth. Answering the door I found an official looking man, he asked my name and then handed me a stack of papers and left. I moved into the lounge and sat on the sofa. Reading through the papers filled me with dread, my son would never be coming home Harris had won custody, without me even knowing he had gone to court and he had won. It was then I noticed the name of the Judge who had signed the order, a friend of Harris's. He had used his connections to steal my son from me, I then noticed a line at the bottom.... 'access granted with prior written consent'. So I guess that means I have to write and ask permission to see my boy.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 12 - Mixed Emotions
So after all the excitment of the last few days, had died down it was time for Brian to go off to Uni. He was understandably very excited, as he went to the same campus as his older siblings, which meant he got to meet all the people that they had told him about.
His first email was full of this girl he had met nothing about classes or professors lol, he seems to have not noticed anything but Alyssa Thea Farmer who is their with her twin brother Micheal John.

I hope he buckles down and doesn't let this young lady distract him too much. Jr and myself have been having some quality time together lately, what with him being the youngest I want to make the most of our time together as before long he'll be a teen and of to uni as well.

Also not that I'm worried, but he has been having a few phone calls lately and not saying who's been ringing I think there from his father. I'm trying not to worry but his threat to take Jr still hangs in the air.
Bethany has decided to take a chance on Sheldon and she's planning on asking him to marry her when he comes over later. Brianna and Beverly came round to tell us that they are expecting, tho' not sure how they did that lol and well I don't think I'll ask. But, Brianna is carrying the baby and speaking of babies my first grandchild was born the early hours of this morning. His name is Carl as of yet there are no photos of him. But am sure their will be lots soon, Bradley is so proud of his family. He tells me that Tori is resting and letting their house robots take care of things.
Unfortunately Bethany has put things on hold with regards to asking Sheldon to get married as Harris Jr has disappeared, we have rung round all his friends and no-one has seen him. We have all been all over the neighbourhood searching for him and no sign I hate to admit it but, it looks like Harris has carried it out his threat to take Jr. I can't believe he managed it, we had all been so careful about leaving him alone. I rang Harris's home but there was no answer, even his agent didn't know or wouldn't tell me where he is. We have tried everything to find him, the Police can't or won't do anything I'm not sure which as one of the cops we called, was more interested in Harris the movie star rather than Harris child abducter. They have told us to wait for him to contact us, all well and good, but their not the ones who have to sit and wait for news are they. I do hope he contacts us soon, I know he won't hurt Jr it's just not knowing where he is that worries me.

His first email was full of this girl he had met nothing about classes or professors lol, he seems to have not noticed anything but Alyssa Thea Farmer who is their with her twin brother Micheal John.

I hope he buckles down and doesn't let this young lady distract him too much. Jr and myself have been having some quality time together lately, what with him being the youngest I want to make the most of our time together as before long he'll be a teen and of to uni as well.

Also not that I'm worried, but he has been having a few phone calls lately and not saying who's been ringing I think there from his father. I'm trying not to worry but his threat to take Jr still hangs in the air.
Bethany has decided to take a chance on Sheldon and she's planning on asking him to marry her when he comes over later. Brianna and Beverly came round to tell us that they are expecting, tho' not sure how they did that lol and well I don't think I'll ask. But, Brianna is carrying the baby and speaking of babies my first grandchild was born the early hours of this morning. His name is Carl as of yet there are no photos of him. But am sure their will be lots soon, Bradley is so proud of his family. He tells me that Tori is resting and letting their house robots take care of things.
Unfortunately Bethany has put things on hold with regards to asking Sheldon to get married as Harris Jr has disappeared, we have rung round all his friends and no-one has seen him. We have all been all over the neighbourhood searching for him and no sign I hate to admit it but, it looks like Harris has carried it out his threat to take Jr. I can't believe he managed it, we had all been so careful about leaving him alone. I rang Harris's home but there was no answer, even his agent didn't know or wouldn't tell me where he is. We have tried everything to find him, the Police can't or won't do anything I'm not sure which as one of the cops we called, was more interested in Harris the movie star rather than Harris child abducter. They have told us to wait for him to contact us, all well and good, but their not the ones who have to sit and wait for news are they. I do hope he contacts us soon, I know he won't hurt Jr it's just not knowing where he is that worries me.
Skynyard Legacy - Chapter 11 - A Wedding & More
Well the time has come for my girls to graduate from Uni, they have both left with very good grades and have now moved home to start their adult life.

While at Uni Brianna and Beverly became engaged. Bethany kicked Alec to the kerb a while ago and has been seeing a new guy called Sheldon. She says things are going well, but is not going to get to carried away this time as she doesn't want to jinx it.

She is having a little trouble trusting her judgement after everything that happened with Alec. Personally Sheldon seems a very nice young man and I hope they make a go of it.
As before with Bradley and Tori, Beverly has moved in with us until after their wedding and then they will be moving into their own place. Not quite so near as Bradley and Tori, but am not too worried as they have promised to drop by often.
Oh and speaking of Bradley and Tori, they are expecting their first child. I'm going to be a granny isn't that wonderful.

What with organising a wedding and 2 birthday's it's going to be busy round here, oh yeah sorry Brian is about to become a teen and Harris Jr a child.
But first Brianna and Beverly's wedding, it was a lovely wedding, they look so happy together.

As you can see we had another visit from our ghostly relatives, it's nice that they can still enjoy all those special family events.
And then as you can see Brian turned into a teen, he can't wait to follow in his older siblings steps and go off to Uni.....

... and my last little one Harris Junior became a child. It's sad when they all grow up, but, well much as I would love another I think I'll just wait for my grandchildren to come along.


While at Uni Brianna and Beverly became engaged. Bethany kicked Alec to the kerb a while ago and has been seeing a new guy called Sheldon. She says things are going well, but is not going to get to carried away this time as she doesn't want to jinx it.

She is having a little trouble trusting her judgement after everything that happened with Alec. Personally Sheldon seems a very nice young man and I hope they make a go of it.
As before with Bradley and Tori, Beverly has moved in with us until after their wedding and then they will be moving into their own place. Not quite so near as Bradley and Tori, but am not too worried as they have promised to drop by often.
Oh and speaking of Bradley and Tori, they are expecting their first child. I'm going to be a granny isn't that wonderful.

What with organising a wedding and 2 birthday's it's going to be busy round here, oh yeah sorry Brian is about to become a teen and Harris Jr a child.
But first Brianna and Beverly's wedding, it was a lovely wedding, they look so happy together.

As you can see we had another visit from our ghostly relatives, it's nice that they can still enjoy all those special family events.
And then as you can see Brian turned into a teen, he can't wait to follow in his older siblings steps and go off to Uni.....

... and my last little one Harris Junior became a child. It's sad when they all grow up, but, well much as I would love another I think I'll just wait for my grandchildren to come along.

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